Assessment Instruments translated into Romanian and Hungarian Languages. Authors
Translated assessment intruments:
- Pachetul FACES IV – (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale) – Olson, DH. (2010).
- FACES-IV and CRS (Clinical Rating Scale) – Original Manuals – Olson, DH. (2003; 2010).
- SCORE-15 (The Systemic Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation; Index of Family Functioning and Change/ Adults) – Stratton, P, Bland, J, Janes, E. and Lask, J. (2010).
- SCORE-15 (C/A) – (The Systemic Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation; Index of Family Functioning and Change/ Children) – Jewell, T, Carr, A, Stratton, P, Lask, J, Eisler, I. (2013).
- DSI-R (Differentiation of Self Inventory – Revised) – Skowron, EA. şi Schmitt, TA. (2003).
- ECR-R (Experience in Close Relationships – Revised) – Fraley, RC, Waller, NG., Brennan, KA. (2000).
- ECR-R RS GG/ SV (Experience in Close Relationships – Relationship Structures Questionnaire/ Short Form) – Fraley, RC, Heffernan, ME, Vicary, AM. and Brumbaugh, CC. (2011).
For access:
- to the Romanian translations please visit this page
- to the Hungarian translations please visit this page,
The assessment instruments are under validation study realized by the Ψ-Quest Team.
Professor Dr. R. Christopher Fraley (USA)
More informationProfessor of psychology.
Affiliation – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Ph.D. degree received from the University of California, Davis in 1999 in Social-Personality Psychology.
Developer of the instruments designated to assess attachment patterns:
Research interests: attachment, close relationships, personality dynamics, social psychology, development; research methods, evolution, psychodynamics.
2014 – Reuben Hill Award in recognition of an outstanding article (Fraley, Roisman, Booth-LaForce, Owen, & Holland, 2013), Awarded by the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)
2007 – The American Psychological Association’s Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution to Psychology in the area of Individual Differences.
2004 – Outstanding Young Investigator Award Personal Relationships Research Interest Group of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology,
Editorial services:
Associate editor:
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2017-present),
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2006 – 2008).
Consulting editor:
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2002-present),
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2000-2006),
- Journal of Personality (2003-2005),
- Journal of Research in Personality, Attachment and Human Development (2002-2006; 2008- present),
- Child Development (2013-present),
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (2014-present).
For more information about Professor Christopher Fraley and his work, please visit:
Emeritus Professor Dr. David H. Olson (USA)
More informationProfessor of Family Social Science.
Affiliation – University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Department of Family Social Science and Life Innovation.
E-mail –
Ph.D. degree in Family Relations and Child Development, received from Pennsylvania State University.
Master’s degree in Psychology from Wichita State University.
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from St. Olaf College.
Developer of the instruments designated to assess the quality of a relationship, couple, family functioning:
PREPARE/ ENRICH – David. H. Olson and Karen B. Olson – (Premarital Personal and Relationship Evaluation instrument/ Enrich the marriage by increasing the awareness of relationship strengths and growth areas) – a powerful relationship assessment tool for premarital, engaged and marital couples, targeting issues that could turn into major challenges; the assessment tool has a consistent predictive value (since 1980 the author could predict divorce with 80-86% accuracy rate) –
FACES-IV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale) PACKAGE and CRS (Clinical Rating Scale – FACES-IV) – systemic assessment instruments of couple and family functioning –
Research interests: Circumplex Model of Marital and Family Systems – modelling family dynamics; family system life cycle and stress, social psychology, clinical psychology, developmental psychology, family therapy.
Pofessor David H. Olson had many contributions to the family science as a scholar, teacher, psychotherapist. He is the author of numerous journal articles and books.
Former and recent duties/ services:
Co-director of a longitudinal study of early marriage and family development at the National Institutes of Mental Health.
Founder and President of Life Innovations company.
President and three terms on the Board of Directors, being the chair of the annual conference program at The National Council of Family Relations.
Honors and Awards:
Numerous honors and awards from over 10 institutions from the USA.
For more information about Professor David H. Olson and his work, please visit:
Professor Dr. Elisabeth A. Skowron (USA)
More informationProfessor of Psychology.
Affiliation – University of Oregon, Eugene, College of Art and Sciences, USA.
Director of the Family Biobehavioral Lab.
Research scientist in the Center for Translational Neuroscience.
Fulbright Scholar (Ireland, 2009-2010)
Post-doctoral fellowship in child clinical psychology at the University of California, San Francisco’s Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute.
Ph.D. degree – in Counseling Psychology, in 1995, received from SUNY Albany.
Master’s degree – in Rehabilitation Counseling, in 1991, received from State University of New York (SUNY), Albany.
Bachelor degree in Psychology, in 1988, received from The Ohio State University.
Senior researcher, academic expert in early childhood adversity, parenting, family interventions, child abuse prevention.
Developer of an instrument designated to assess the differentiation of self:
DSI-R (Differentiation of Self Inventory – Revised).
Research interests: neurobiology or/ and the environment contribution to the development of self-regulation; strengthening biological and behavioral markers of emotion regulation and self-control in parents and their children for family violence prevention; family systems and the process of family therapy; neurobiology of positive, responsive parenting and mechanisms of action in effective family interventions; the neurobiological bases of behavioral change in family interventions; clinical trial of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy; child clinical psychology; child trauma; improve parent and child self-regulation attachment-based child-parent psychotherapy for mothers and preschool children from violent families.
Editorial service:
Professor Elisabeth Skowron have published numerous articles and is on the editorial boards of several journals and serves on NIH scientific review panels.
For more information about Professor Skowron and her work, please visit:
Emeritus Professor Dr. Peter Stratton (UK)
More informationProfessor of Family Therapy.
Systemic family therapist (UKCP The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy), developmental psychologist, family therapy supervisor (AFT – Association for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice, UK).
Affiliation – Leeds Family Therapy and Research Centre Institute of Health Sciences University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
Developer of the SCORE-15, a self-administered instrument designated to assess progress and outcome in systemic couple and family therapy.
Research interests: the use of research to improve psychotherapy practice, assessment of the progress and outcome in the systemic therapy process (SCORE project), active reflective learning, competencies and standards of systemic therapy, qualitative research, the evidence base of systemic family and couple therapy, statutory processes that affect families, attributional analyses of family causal beliefs and blaming, public attitudes to terrorism, the role of the humor and creativity in the psychotherapy process.
Professor Stratton has authored and co-authored numerous journal articles and books on building on and using research in training and practice, assessment instruments in systemic therapy, psychotherapy relationship and enhancing family therapy’s relationships with research, dialogical construction of the selves of trainees, competencies and occupational standards for systemic couple and family therapy, evidence based systemic therapies.
Since retiring from Leeds University, he continued to write, to conduct research and to offer workshops.
Professor Peter Stratton led the teams that developed: the Leeds Attributional Coding System, the Leeds Systemic Family Therapy Manual, the UK Skills for Health team that specified the competences of systemic psychotherapists.
Honors and Awards:
2013 – Research Excellence – European Association of Family Therapy,
2013 – Honorary Fellow of UK Council of Psychotherapy,
1993 – Best technical innovation: Attributional Analysis – a novel approach of analyzig in depth the expectations of customers – awarded by Market Research Society.
Editorial services:
Joint Editor of Human Systems: The Journal of Therapy, Consultation and Training,
Joint founding editor of the EFTA-Springer Book series.
Former and recent duties/ services:
Chair of the EFTA Research Committee and relate Advisory Group,
Chair of the UKCP Research Faculty,
Member of the CAMHS Outcomes and Evaluations, the CYP-IAPT Critical Friends,
Academic and Research Development Officer for the Association for Family Therapy,
Founding Director of the LFTRC,
Managing Director of The Psychology Business Ltd.
For more information about Professor Peter Stratton and his work, please visit: