Ψ-Quest Thematic Groups

The Ψ-Quest Working Groups
THE Ψ-Quest Research Group is constituted from the main team and the different sub-groups that worked and work in the research project starting from 2013 up until present, coordinated by Enikő Školka, Ph.D.
- Nominal list of the Ψ-Quest Working Team Members (2013-2019; 2023-)
- Nominal list of the members of subgroups of the Ψ-Quest Working Group and its guests (2013-2019; 2023-).
• Movie Quest 6 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., December 15, 2017, 6 p.m.
Title of the movies – ”The Brave new World” (version from 1980 – director Burt Brinckerhoff) and ”Fahrenheit 451” (version from 1966 – director François Truffaut). The two movies are based on the homonym novels written by Aldoux Leonard Huxley and by Ray Douglas Bradbury.
Purpose of the activity – the analysis of the movies from psychological, historic, cultural perspective.
Members of the research group, of the supervision groups and the licensed systemic therapists are invited to this activity.
For organizational reasons, you are kindly asked to announce your intention to participate to our secretary, Miss Carmem Paula Mertoiu (e-mail: psi.quest.info@gmail.com) until the December 13, at the latest.
The maximum number of participants is 21. Selection is made upon the chronological order of the registrations.
• Movie Quest 5 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., December
• TV Series Quest 4 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., December 11, 2015, 6 p.m.
Title of the series – The Newsroom (2012-2014) – produced for HBO Entertaiment (USA) by Aaron Benjamin Sorkin (1961- ), American screenwriter, producer and playwright.
Purpose of the activity – the analysis of several episodes from an ethical, systemic and pragmatic perspective.
Members of the research group, theoretical-methodological training group and supervision groups are invited to this activity.
For organizational reasons, you are kindly asked to announce your intention to participate to our secretary, Miss Orsolya Mihály (e-mail: psi.quest.info@gmail.com) until the November 30, at the latest. Those who will announce their intention to participate will receive the list containing the 7 episodes out of 21 that are suggested for viewing.
• Documentary Quest 3 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., December 05, 2014, 6 p.m. Title of the film – An Ecology of Mind (2010).
Purpose of the activity – the psychological analysis, also from a systemic point of view, in a small group of a documentary that illustrates the way of thinking of Gregory Bateson (British anthropologist, philosopher, naturalist, cyberneticists, linguist, semiotician, documentary producer, 1904-1980), made by his youngest daughter, Nora Bateson (film producer, director, author, president of the International Bateson Institute from Stockholm, Sweden).
Members of 1st and 3rd years of theoretical-methodological-practical training groups are invited to this activity. For organizational reasons, you are kindly asked to announce your intention to participate to our secretary, Mrs. Orsolya Mihály (e-mail: psi.quest.info@gmail.com).
• Music and Text Quest 2 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., December 13, 2013, 6 p.m.
Title of the work – Bluebeard’s Castle (Castelul Prinţului cu Barbă Albastră/ A kékszakállú herceg vára – literally: The Castle of the Blue Bearded Duke), written by Béla Balázs – on his real name Herbert Brauer (1884-1949) – Jewish film critic, aesthetician, poet, writer of Hungarian origins. The opera libretto was first dedicated by the author to Zoltán Kodály (1882-1967) – Hungarian composer, ethno-musicologist, linguist, educator, and philosopher. The music of the opera with a single act was finally composed by Béla Bartók (1881-1945) – Hungarian composer and pianist. Balázs was inspired by the folk tale retold by Charles Perrault (1628-1703) – French author and member of the French Academy, a folk tale also retold afterwards by the Grimm Brothers (Jacob, 1785-1863 and Wilhelm, 1786-1859).
Purpose of the activity – the psychological analysis of the libretto (accessible in Hungarian/ Balázs Béla; English/ translation by Cristopher Hassal – http://www.powell-pressburger.org/Reviews/64_Bluebeard/Words.html).
Members of the supervision groups and the research group are invited to this activity.
For organizational reasons, you are kindly asked to announce your intention to participate to our secretary, Miss Orsolya Mihály Orsolya (e-mail: psi.quest.info@gmail.com) at least three days before the date announced for the activity.
• Movie Quest 1 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., December 13, 2012, 6 p.m.

Title of the movie – Mary Reilly (1996) produced by TriStar Pictures USA. Screen writer, Christopher Hampton, director, Stephen Frears, music by George Fenton. The movie is based on the novel written in 1990 by Valerie Martin (1948- ), a nominee in the same year for Nebula Award for the best novel and in 1991 in the same category for the World Fantasy Award. The movie was rated by the Rotten Tomatoes (42 raters) with a score of 4.3/10.
Purpose of the activity – the psychological analysis of the movie in a small group.
Members of the supervision groups and the research group are invited to this activity.
For organizational reasons, you are kindly asked to announce your intention to participate to our secretary, Miss Orsolya Mihály (e-mail: psi.quest.info@gmail.com) at least three days before the date announced for the activity.
Networking 2017 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., December 15 – network meeting of members of the supervision groups and the autonomous systemic psychotherapists.
Networking 2009 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., September 21, 2013 – network meeting of members of the theoretical – methodological training group from 2009
Networking 2008 – moderator Enikő Školka, Ph.D., November 26, 2012 – network meeting of members of the theoretical – methodological training group from 2008.