Ψ-Quest Philosophy
A complex search which facilitates the access to knowledge and to the accomplishment of meaningful personal and interpersonal goals.
It could emerge in some forms and phases of the psychotherapeutic endeavor, when the goal of the intervention is one of profound search in the self, the achievement of major changes and the actualization of certain potentials of the psyché – in a profound integrative manner with regard to one’s own being.
The methods and techniques of these interventions are of a great diversity and used alongside those based on logical reasoning, imply the work with what is implicit, latent and unconscious in the human psyché.
They constitute a deep search which lies beyond ordinary and unfolds along an intra- and inter-personal, contextualized journey, which implies difficulties, obstacles, facing the unknown and with the its accompanying unpredictability. It carries inside the potential for growth, for development, transformation and wisdom but it is not free of risks, struggles or sometimes even of remarkable dangers.
The journey itself and its outcome are the result of some complex processes of de-construction and (re)construction, some successive states of relative equilibrium, in fact several processes of co-constructions, co-authoring between client-therapist, trainer-trainee, supervisor-supervisee and the more ample context in which they live.
Motto: “This tension between common sense and expert knowledge, between cognitive security without responsibility and cognitive responsibility without full security, is the interior dynamics of the knowledge situation” (S.C. Pepper, 1942).