1st Ψ-Quest International Conference


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Surname …………………………………………………… Name …………………………………………………….

Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Country ………………………………………………………. City ………………………………………………………..

Phone no …………………………………………………….. E-mail …………………………………………………….

Student:  □ YES  (University …………………………..… Faculty ……………….…………………)                □ NO    

ATF-PF member: □ YES    □ NO 

Profession …………………………………………………. Affiliation (institution) …………………………………


The number of participants for each workshop is limited to 40 persons.

Please see the Available workshops section on the conference site to check the workshops for which there are still places available at the moment of your registration.

At a certain point – which will be announced on the conference page – it could be necessary for every newly registered person to choose from each list more than one workshop and to indicate the order of their preferences (as presumably the number of remaining places will decrease, and this procedure will make it easier for us to offer you the best solution according to your wishes).

For now just please fill in the Registration form with your first option for every list of parallel workshops. In maximum 24 hours following your registration (done via e-mail to the address mentioned below) you will receive an answer. We will confirm the workshops for which you are registered and will let you know if one of the workshops you chose has no more available places. In this last case, you have the option of being put on a waiting list and you will be notified by e-mail if a spot opens that you can fill.  However, in this e-mail we will also ask you to express your second and third option for that situation in which you will have no access to your first or even second option.

We would appreciate it if you notified us at the same e-mail address if you wish at some point to give up your place in one of the workshops as this would allow someone else to benefit from it. Thank you.

Please mark with an X the workshop you wish to attend in each of the groups listed below.

Day 1 – FRIDAY, 2 October                       12.00 – 13.30

 Your option
Damian McCann – Same-Sex Parenting: Babes in Arms or Babes in The Woods?

Zoltán Kónya, M.D., Ágnes Kónya, M.D. – Anxious, Secure and Avoidant Family Therapists: Reflecting on Our Own Attachment Orientation

Mihaela Fadgyas-Stănculete, M.D., Ph.D. – Family Coping with Schizophrenia – A Psychiatric Perspective  


Day 2 – SATURDAY, 3 October                     11.30-13.00

 Your option
Haviva Ayal, Ph.D. – The Art of Using the Self of the Therapist in Systemic Psychotherapy  There are no more places available
Carmen Costea-Bărluțiu, Ph.D. – Systemic Conceptualization and Psychotherapeutic Interventions for Couples with Narcissistic – Borderline Functioning: Historical and Modern Approaches

Enikő Školka, Ph.D. – Tensions Between Standardized and Nonstandardized Assessment Procedures in Systemic Therapy. Romanian Validation Study of A Battery for Couple/ Family Functioning and Therapeutic Change: Preliminary Results


Day 3 – SUNDAY, 4 October                     9.30 – 11.00

  Your option
Ildikó Mária Antal – Changes in the Dynamics of the Marital Relationship after Childbirth. Case examples from Personal Psychotherapeutic Practice

Prof. Maria Borcsa, Ph.D. – Training Systemic Therapists for the 21st Century – Virtual Intimacies and World Families in a Globalized World
Prof. emeritus Peter M. Stratton, Ph.D. – What Can We Adopt From Current Developments in Wider Systems Science to Enrich our Systemic Approaches to Families

There are no more places available



  •  the completed Registration form (that you should fill in, list, sign and make a scanned copy/photo of)
  •  the proof of payment of the registration fee (scanned copy / photo)
  •  the special papers requested if you are an ATF-PF member or a student and wish to pay the reduced fee.

All the papers should be sent by e-mail to Ioana Vescan – psiquest.conference@gmail.com.