The first international conference organized by the „Ψ-Quest” Association is honoured by the presence of marked professionals (university professors, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists trainer-supervisors) from Europe and the United States.
By organizing the present conference we wish to ensure a frame for productive information exchange regarding the scientifically based systemic psychotherapeutic practice, training and supervision, as well as research from the field of systemic sciences in order to strengthen the efficiency and aesthetics of our work. The target public includes systemic psychotherapists (experienced, beginners), psychiatrists, family doctors, clinical psychologists, special educators, social workers, students in psychology, special education, medicine, social work, theology, and anyone else interested in the field.
All members of RCP accredited Couple and Family Therapy Associations and university students* |
Other categories |
Up to 30 June 2015 |
120 € |
140 € |
From 01 July 2015 to 15 September 2015 |
160 € |
From 16 September 2015 |
180 € |
*ATF-PF members should send a scanned copy of the bank receipt to prove the payment of their membership fee for 2015. Students and Ph.D. students should send a scanned copy of a certificate (“adeverință”) that proves their student status (surname and name, year of study, faculty, university and date).
IMPORTANT: PLENARY PRESENTATIONS are also open for the general public. Registration fees for plenaries only: Friday and Saturday 150 LEI/day and Sunday 50 LEI. There are two possibilities for register to the plenary presentation only: via bank account or cash during the days of the conference.
We kindly ask those participants who wish to register during the day of the conference to arrive at the conference site with 30 minutes before the works begin, in order to avoid disturbing the activities. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
- Announcement
- Scientific Programme
- Speakers
- Abstracts
- Available Workshops
- Payment
- Registration Form
- Our Partners
- Conference Staff
- Useful Information
- Sponsors
- the completed Registration form (that you should fill in, list, sign and make a scanned copy/photo of)
- the proof of payment of the registration fee (scanned copy / photo)
- the special papers requested if you are an ATF-PF member or a student and wish to pay the reduced fee.
All the papers should be sent by e-mail to Ioana Vescan –
- Ioana Vescan – – for English and Romanian speakers
- Mitea Sarolta – – for Hungarian speakers.
- Ioana Vescan (0740913270), Camelia Drăgan (0728868547).
We have applied for CREDITS to the Romanian College of Psychologists (RCP). Participants who register for the all works of the conference will obtain credits according to the real number of participation hours. Professionals who attend only to the plenary presentations will not be able to obtain credits from the RCP.
The conference title in Romanian – Practica terapeutică şi formarea în psihoterapia sistemică de cuplu şi familie în secolul 21. Un dialog între abordări, modele, tendinţe clasice şi moderne
The conference title in Hungarian- A rendszerszemléletű pár- és családterápia gyakorlata és képzési folyamata a 21. században. Klasszikus és modern megközelítések, modellek és irányzatok párbeszéde
Attendance of the entire professional program of the conference, including the integrative activities, will be counted as 20 of the 80 mandatory hours of systemic couple and family therapy workshops/conferences participation which are part of the training curriculum of ATF-PF.
Number of participants registered so far: 72
Last updated: 1st October 2015